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Innovation Leader Master Class: 'Boundaries, Blockers, and Overcoming the Limits of Innovation'

Organizations find there are significant headwinds to realizing the value of innovation and transformation efforts. Co-presented by George White (Chief Innovation Officer, Cantina) and David Crean (VP of Innovation, BCBSMA), this Innovation Leader webcast will cover methods for recognizing the boundaries and blockers to innovation practices, and show how to work around them to thrive in the market.

Innovation Leader Master Class: “Boundaries, Blockers, and Overcoming the Limits of Innovation”

Many organizations feel an intense pressure to innovate as a response to potential disruption, evolving customer needs, and industry trends. These same organizations are finding that there are significant headwinds to realizing the value of innovation and transformation efforts. In this Innovation Leader Master Class, moderated by CEO and Co-Founder Scott Kirsner, you will learn:

  • Methods for recognizing the boundaries and blockers to innovation practices
  • How to create solutions to move your product, services or organization forward

Your co-presenters are George White, Chief Innovation Officer at Cantina, and David Crean, VP of Innovation, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. With a combined half-century of experience building, leading, and growing innovation functions for clients and corporations, these two highly successful and passionate innovation leaders are ready to share their insights and take your questions on how to overcome your innovation hurdles.


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