A Secure Patient Experience and Admin Portal for COVID Testing
Cantina designed and built a compassionate, accurate, and HIPAA-compliant patient experience to deliver Granger Genetics' life-altering COVID genetics tests.

Cantina designed and built a compassionate, accurate, and HIPAA-compliant patient experience to deliver Granger Genetics' life-altering COVID genetics tests.
At the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Granger Genetics, a leading diagnostic laboratory with decades of experience in complex testing, including specialized antibody testing, wanted to bring their Neutralizing Antibody Test to the general public. Unlike PCR nasal swab tests, Granger's solution allows patients to gather a small blood sample at home, send it to Granger's lab, and securely access a panel of results online. Most importantly, Granger's test went beyond a positive or negative result and indicated the presence of Covid-19 antibodies.
Granger's solution awaited FDA approval, and Granger had to be ready to support anticipated public demand.
In three short weeks, Cantina developed a HIPAA-compliant kit-registration and results-delivery system to support customers. More simply, a patient portal. We did this by applying an MVP mindset to the project, asking ourselves and the client what we could learn by simply allowing users to register their kit and collect their results.
Before the client kickoff, the Cantina team focused on what we knew about the in-home blood sampling experience and what Granger's existing HIPAA-compliant systems. Furthermore, we explored the suitability of existing technologies and services in our effort to deliver quickly and securely.
Expressed as an experience map and a possible technical architecture - the team brought their thinking to the client kickoff. Highlighting how we could deliver on the requirements and respond to the highly-sensitive experience of sharing genetic information, Granger was in an excellent position to tell us where we were wrong and needed to adjust our plan.
With the most significant components of the system validated, the team moved directly to design and build. Ultimately, the team launched on time and budget. Most notably, we delivered a scalable User Experience and Technical Solution that allows Granger to support a profoundly personal interaction with compassion, clarity, accuracy, and security.
Embracing the time constraints, the tools at hand, and our security and healthcare experience, we exceeded client expectations. We met weekly to review progress and recommend post-launch features. In-between formal meetings, we opened the communication lines and sped decision-making by integrating critical client team members into our communication channels.
If you are interested in learning more about this engagement or how Cantina can help you with a project contact us today. We'd love to help.